
Postgresql DB tool

Postgresql DB tool


Click above to download latest version 點擊上方圖片下載最新版


Click above to download latest version 點擊上方圖片下載最新版

Thursday, May 21, 2020

PGDB v1.1 - Postgresql Database Tool

PGDB v1.1

PGDB is a postgresql database save/restore tool.

usage: pgdb [-t -c|-s|-r|-sxls] [--help]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TableName, --table TableName           Specify the table
  -c, --clear                                                 Clear the table (Use 'DELETE FROM' request)
  -d, --delete                                               Delete the table (Use 'DROP TABLE' request)
  -s FileName, --save FileName                 Save the table data to csv file
  -sxls FileName, --savexls FileName        Save the table data to xls file
  -r FileName, --restore FileName              Restore the table data

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PLC v1.0.1.0


Download Link: ClickMe

Download from GitHub: ClickMe

1. Remove the app administrator right requirment
2. SUT Control improvement
    -'Config' screen includes complete SUT control button definition and actions.
    -Invalid web request error display.
3. Console Window (VT100/ANSI)
    -Add Menu in FormConsole - 'Save ScreenAs' (Save console screen as image file)
    -Backspace key bug fixed
    -char background/foreground color bug fixed